Watch our worship livestream on Sundays at 9:00 am and 11:00 am


join us for worship on sundays

9:00 am

Celebration Service

This gathering features a “blended” style of worship with  a variety of instruments and our Celebration Choir members for all to listen, reflect and enjoy. Holy Communion is celebrated each week.

11:00 am

Traditional Service

This gathering follows the liturgy from Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Holy Communion is celebrated each week.

Connect & Grow

Fellowship Breakfast

(1st Sunday of the month) ​

All are invited to join us for Sunday Fellowship breakfast.

Sunday School

(2nd - 4th Sundays of the month)

Sunday School is available for children and adults during the 10:00 AM Faith Formation Hour.

Children in Grades K- 5 meet during the academic year. Sunday School is not held during the summer months.

Bring the kids!


Children ages 0-5

A Nursery with a paid staff attendant is available during both worship services weekly. 

Children's Church

K - 5th Grade

Children’s Church is offered during the academic year.  Students depart following the weekly children’s sermon and return before Holy Communion. Children’s Church follows the liturgical season and weekly lectionary with themes, bible studies, crafts, and activities based on the daily Sunday texts. All adults who work with children at St. Paul’s are background checked and have received child protection training.

Front of Church
Wideshot Congregation 3
Sunday Worship from Balcony