Children and Youth
toddlers - 5th grade
Children's Ministry
Throughout the year, a variety of seasonal activities are offered for our young people and their families to grow in fellowship together such as Easter Egg Hunts, Trunk- or-Treats, and Nativity plays.
During weekly worship, our toddlers are invited to play and explore in the nursery with paid staff and volunteers. Our elementary aged children spent time connecting with the St. Paul’s community through children’s sermons and children’s church.
During children’s church, children depart to the Church Sanctuary Basement for a lesson and activity, allowing them to dig deeper at the texts of the day. The best part is that worship is streamed, so that we can participate while we learn!
During the school year, weekly Children’s Church and Sunday School occurs. No Sunday School exists on First Sunday Breakfast and/ or congregational event Sundays,

We encourage families to grow in faith and connect to others through worship, faith formation opportunities, and fellowship events.
6th - 12th grade
Youth Ministry
St. Paul’s Youth (SPY) is for 6th- 12th grade students who want to be connected to each other, their St. Paul’s community, and the greater Church. Throughout the year, we gather in a variety of ways to grow in our faith, serve God, and care for our neighbor. Many of our youth actively participate in ministries at St. Paul’s via Media Ministry, worship leadership, and assisting in our fellowship, children’s, and service ministry projects. Youth gathers regularly for fellowship, meals, and study throughout the year. We also participate in synod retreats, ELCA Youth Gatherings, Mission Trips, and summer camp opportunities.

Milestone Ministry
Our Milestone Ministry seeks to name, bless and gift special and significant moments in our faith journey. Currently we recognize the following milestones: