Susan Jackson was born and raised in Salisbury, Maryland. She attended Lenoir-Rhyne College in Hickory, NC and is a LR Bear for life. During her college career, Susan volunteered as a YoungLife leader, where her passion for youth and young adult ministry developed. After graduation, Susan participated in the ELCA’s Young Adult in Global Missions program, serving as a volunteer at a youth recreational/ retreat facility in the western part of England.
Susan attended Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary and earned her Masters of Arts in Religion in 2010. In 2016, Susan was commissioned as a Deacon into Word and Service Ministry. Susan has served congregations in South Carolina, Florida, and North Carolina before arriving at St. Paul’s in August 2018.
In addition to supporting her alma mater, Susan likes to learn about history; particularly of new places she’s traveled too, travel, and bake.