A brand-new ministry is coming to St. Paul’s this year! OWLS, or Older Wiser Lutherans, will soon kickoff adventures by day and night as we join together for fellowship, laughter, and fun!
The main goal of OWL’s is to provide an outlet for St. Paul’s friends and family to join together for meals, local adventures, day and night trips, and to grow in our faith.
Join us for Sunday Breakfast on February 09 @ 10 AM to learn more about this exciting adventure. A formal kickoff dinner will take place on Sunday, February 16th, 5:30 PM in Keever Hall.
We hope that you will join us to plan the year and grow in faith together! We envision programming every 4-6 weeks, schedules permitting, that allows us to grow closer to each other and explore our faith further.
Contact Lynne Hershey, Linda Russell Evans, Nancy Scheunemann, or Connie Edwards for more information.