Join us for worship at 9 AM & 11 AM

Clothed with hope

A huge thank you to those of you who have donated to our Clothes Closet ministry! Each week we serve 30 to 40 displaced people — men, women and children of all ages — trying to provide them with items they need to get by on the streets. Many have lost jobs during the pandemic, lost everything during a divorce, or are unable to receive disability. Several of our displaced are LGBTQ and their families have disowned them. There are many reasons people are displaced without being “bad” or “deserving” to be this way, and they are grateful for everything St. Paul’s does to help them.

The Clothes Closet is located in the basement of Keever Hall and is open from 12pm to 3pm each Saturday. If you would like to donate clothing, shoes, tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, unopened hygiene products or snacks for our clientele, please contact Connie Batchelder, Linda Evans, or Diane Erickson. We will meet you at your convenience at the church to accept your donations, or you may bring your donations and leave them on the pews in the hallway going to Keever Hall on Sundays or when it is convenient for you. We will also pick up your donations if needed. The proceeds from our spring yard sale and cash gifts enable us to “fill in the gaps” and purchase hygiene products, diapers and other items our clients need.

The Closet is operated by members of St. Paul’s on a weekly rotating basis. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact Connie Batchelder. We would love to have you join us!

At this time, we are in need of individual snacks and bottled water for our customers. You can also make a monetary donation by writing a check to St. Paul’s and in the memo line write Clothes Closet. You will receive your receipt at the end of the year on your “giving letter” from St. Paul’s. Again, we thank you for supporting our Closet!